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Question 1:  Do I need special shoes for ballroom dancing?

We recommend not wearing any rubber sole shoes.  You should use leather sole shoes.  For women, we recommend a shoe with an ankle strap for safety. Ballroom dance shoes would be ideal.  If you need more information about ballroom dance shoes, please contact us.

Question 2:  Why can't I remember the steps after the monthly class lesson ends?

Anytime we learn something new and do not use it often, we tend to forget over time.  To better retain the steps that you just learned, you need to have periodic repetition.  We have structured an open dance hour from 3-4 PM for members to practice what they have been learning.

Question 3:  What can I do to learn the dance steps at a faster pace?

Something that you can do is prepare for the class.  Before coming to a class, you can use the step sheet as a guide and practice the steps that were taught in the previous week at home.

The second thing you can do is to record the steps at home after the session ends.

Question 4:  I have taken the beginner classes two to three times.  When will I be ready for the intermediate classes?

If you are very comfortable with all the beginner steps, then we recommend going directly into the intermediate class.  If you are not sure, then we recommend you transition by going to both classes until you are confident that you do not need the beginner classes any longer.

Question 5:  My partner and I have very different skills?

The first and most important point is that the more skilled partner needs to be patient with their partner as he/she progresses.  One thing you can do is to think about some of the benefits of ballroom dancing such as exercise.  You are getting exercise, both physical and mental and doing it together.


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